The legend of
The legend behind the "Guoqiao Mixian" or"Crossing-Bridge Rice Noodles," the famous cuisine from China's Yunnan Province.
Long ago, just south of the Yunnan town of Mengzi, there was a beautiful lake with water as beautiful as jade. In the center of the lake, there was a small island covered in green bamboo saplings and towering trees with ancient stalks reaching the heavens.
Attracted by its natural beauty and pleasant atmosphere, many scholars living by came to the island for a tranquil place to study for their imperial exams.
Soon enough, the scholar’s health began to improve and his body and mind grew stronger. In the end, the scholar became a successful candidate in the imperial examination.
One particularly diligent scholar spent many days and nights on the island studying without stop. Each day, the scholars wife would take long walks to the lake, crossing the long bridge that connected the island to the shore, bringing her husband's midday meal. Yet, the scholar was so engrossed in his studies that he seldom had a chance to eat before his meals grew cold. Day by day, the scholar grew thinner and thinner.
The scholar's wife was terribly worried. One day, she had an idea. She took a plump hen and made a piping hot chicken broth. Then, the prepared her husband's favorite local rice noodles and the rest of the ingredients and seasonings separately in different bowls.
The scholar's wife brought the ingredients over the bridge to her husband, putting them together just before he wished to eat. Her idea worked. The chicken broth stayed hot enough in the heated vessel to cook the other ingredients, and there was even a thin layer of oil floating on the broth which helped keep everything nice and hot.
The scholar loved his wife's new idea. From then on, the scholar's wife crossed the bridge every day with these "Crossing-Bridge Rice Noodles," supporting her husbands health and endeavors.
In the end, the scholar excelled in his imperial exam with high marks. Years later, in memory of his wife's love and hospitality, the scholar told everyone that it was his wife's wonderful "Crossing-Bridge Rice Noodles" that allowed him to pass the famously difficult and prestigious exam.

蒙自县城有一书生,很英俊,很聪明,但喜欢游乐,不愿下功夫读书。他有一个美丽的妻子和一个年幼的儿子。夫妇之间,感情很深。但妻子对书生喜游乐、厌读书深感忧虑。一日,对书生道:“你终日游乐,不思上进,不想为妻儿争气吗?“闻妻言,生深感羞愧,就在南湖筑一书斋,独居苦读,妻子也与生分忧,逐一日三餐均送到书斋饱生。日久,生学业大进,但也日渐瘦弱。妻子看在眼里,很心疼。思进补之。一日,宰鸡煨汤,切肉片,备米线,准备给书生送 早餐。

About The Ten Seconds Yunnan Rice Noodle
The glittering and translucent rice noodles contain the essences of all things in Yunnan. The refining process is performed by hand in the ancient town of Gu Zhen. Every bite is tender, chewy and savory. Each Strand of noodle exudes and aromatic rice scent.
About the Soup
The finest selection of ingredients are combined to create the most savory soup, inspired by the colourful cuisines of South China. Within 10 seconds, the taste will transport your mind and body to Yunnan. This perfect balance between nutritious and delicious creates a new brand of excellence, Crossing Bridge Rice Noodle.